Friday, May 15, 2009

Bike Walk to Work

Here ends bike walk to work week. It was fun while it lasted! Technically it goes through tomorrow, but my commute then is 100 miles. The only walking I'll be doing is from the parking lot to the building. And there will be NO bicycling. I really did enjoy my ride home, and my legs aren't as sore as I thought they'd be. I do, however, have some unexpected discomfort, compliments of my seat. And while I'd love to say I'll be doing it again soon, that simply isn't practical. I did make a mental list of all the things I would change if I did it again. I am going to make a partial list here.

Change to a more comfortable bike seat
Bike more beforehand to be in better shape
Choose a route with fewer hills
Wear my blue running jacket, not the yellow jacket that kept getting caught on my seat
Leave things behind or don't bring them at all if possible (my lightweight backpack felt like a ton of bricks by the time I was done)
Cross the river as soon as possible or figure out the route more exactly farther down

That's enough to work on for now. I biked approximately 25 miles, not included some unplanned detours. That included several ridiculously steep hills. The trip took about 2.5 hours. Not a reasonable commuting time.
For now I'll continue with busing/walking and will also consider biking to the park and ride so I'm not using my car at all.

Did anyone else bike/walk to work? How did it go?


Anonymous said...

Great Job Stace! I walked to the coffee pot from my desk @ work but I did not bike or walk to work:)

-Jay Zass

Carly said...

You are my hero!